impulse response

英 [ˈɪmpʌls rɪˈspɒns] 美 [ˈɪmpʌls rɪˈspɑːns]




  1. Texture changes in harvested Dangshan pear were measured by nondestructive acoustic impulse response test, destructive puncture test, and sensory evaluation.
  2. Employing the impulse response model of ultrasound transducer and the modulating-demodulating principle of FM signal, the simulation for ultrasound imaging is carried out.
  3. Integrated impulse response method;
  4. The algorithm, a recursive algorithm, was based on an approximation of the unit impulse response matrices by linear time dependence after a certain time-step.
  5. Airplane Magnetic Compensation Using Finite Impulse Response Model
  6. The nonlinear gain and the impulse response functions of linear subsystem be obtained by using the step-changeds and cyclic impulse with different amplitudes as input signals.
  7. Study on Impulse Response of Nonlinear System of Mobile Hard Disk with Rubber Isolator
  8. Research on Impulse Response Signal of Ship Structures Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform
  9. This paper analyzes the relationship between China's fuel oil prices and WTI prices with the help of co-integration test, error correction model, variance decomposition and impulse response function.
  10. Order Reduction Methods Based on Step Response and Impulse Response
  11. To further improve the performances of infinite impulse response ( IIR) digital filters, a new approach based on the seeker optimization algorithm ( SOA) was proposed for IIR digital filter design.
  12. The energy leakage of channel impulse response is enough calculated on non-sample spaced channel in this method.
  13. For obtaining exact solution for the impulse response or step response, the preferred method is to solve the original differential equation on a digital or analog computer.
  14. Research of Fault Diagnosis and Predication System Based on Self-adapting Infinity Impulse Response Filter Model
  15. Based the review of existing theories of money supply, the paper adopts the cointegrate test, Granger causality and impulse response test to analyze the endogenesis of money supply in China.
  16. The output of the modulator is processed by three cascaded finite impulse response ( FIR) filters, followed by a user-programmable post processor.
  17. The impulse response method is employed to analyse the effect of aortic valve on the cardiovascular coupling in this paper.
  18. A direct approach to the output optimal control for systems characterized by impulse response function is also showed.
  19. When impulse response with a specific circuit topology is studied, the duality impact arises in dynamic equation.
  20. The Granger test opens out their causality and the dynamic correlations of two series are also analyzed by using the methods of impulse response and variance decomposition.
  21. Basing on the VAR model, we use the impulse response function and variance decomposition method to analyzed the dynamic effect of the change of GDP and income on the housing price.
  22. A predictive functional control algorithm based on impulse response model is designed for integrating processes in this paper.
  23. In order to get the model of environmental acoustic effect in a room, assuming the model is linear and recognizing the impulse response of the model using correlation analysis method.
  24. Study on Investment Structure of Technological Innovation Based on the Impulse Response Function
  25. The Dynamic Correlation Research on China's Services Trade and Goods Trade-Empirical Analysis Base on Impulse Response Function
  26. The resulting controller is a finite impulse response ( FIR) filter and hence problem of non-minimum phase zero cancellation is avoided.
  27. Through experiment to obtain approximate impulse response of target model, then analyzes echo features of target model compared to changes in sensitivity of launch wave attitude angle.
  28. With Vector Error Correction Model, impulse response analysis and variance decomposition, this paper analyzes the finance factors that cause the prompt rise of house price in China.
  29. The variances in trade balance due to variation in the macro variables as well as the exchange rate change are examined by Impulse Response Functions and Variance Decomposition methods.
  30. Impulse response of the male or the more positive, and hormone levels also change.